CARE JAR : Pick your health Card

And, we’ll add quality CARE to it.

Collective well-being uplifts society and we uplift collective health.


About Us

As a one-stop solution in the field of Health, Fitness & Wellness regulation, we aim to offer personalized fitness & wellness programs that suit one’s requirements. We provide transparent access to any of the healthcare programs for both group communities as well as individuals.

Covid 19 has brought a paradigm shift in people’s perception of health, fitness, nutrition, peace, sleep, and mindfulness. They have now made these their priority. So, we intend to build on this changing mindset and help people achieve their well-being goals by offering them a simplified streamline of services that meet best their interests and needs. Shortening the words, Care Jar is enhancing your way of life.



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With our best service, your School Health and Corporate Health will be served. Your check-up to cure is our responsibility.

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Your yoga posture needs to be perfect and here, we are to rectify you. Connect with us and learn yoga and meditation tips.

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Check if you are eating healthily, and think if you are coping mentally. Need help? Care Jar serves, school and corporate wellness.

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School Health

Care Jar provides health care sessions to make the future of the young generation healthy. We conduct awareness, diagnostic check-ups, health camps, and sessions in schools to reach out to maximum teenagers. Certified doctors of different expertise are appointed to carry out the sessions.
So, book your appointment for the physical health programs for your students.

Corporate Health

Conducting the health care session can be the best option for employees' physical health and maximum output. We, Care Jar, offer the session plans as per your company requirements, which include physical health check-ups, one to one session etc.
Being a responsible employer, book your programs here.

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Online Consultation

There are many good doctors and consultants out there who are willing to help your health problems. Let Care Jar reach out to you for the simplified online consultation plan with the best doctors.
Check your health requirements, and we'll get to you with the experts.


Yoga and Mindfulness

There is no better prevention than yoga for all diseases. And, no better way than meditation for a rich mind.
Care Jar offers you direct classes with the experts and materials for yoga and mindfulness. So, get your mat and book yourself now.

School Fitness

Every school has different activities, which includes games and exercises. And, we can't deny how vital role fitness plays for students.
So, know what more your school needs about fitness. Book fitness sessions for better health.

Corporate Fitness

Let your employees know if their routine includes fitness works or not. An organization can be fully functioning when everyone is fit and healthy. So, schedule the fitness awareness and practice sessions for your employees to give them a flexible lifestyle.


Food & Nutrition

Your body depends on how nutritious you are eating. Nutrition strengthens your immune system, and so, your health is maintained.
So, enter your details and check if you are eating healthy or not. Care Jar avails you doctors to guide you about your food requirements.

Mental Health

Concentrated, stress free, and aware mind makes everything easy for you. So, mental health well-being is a crucial matter for all.
With expert doctors and consultants, Care Jar pays attention to any kind of mental health issue or awareness about its importance. You can be open up to an expert if your environment is not helping. So, book now.

School Wellness

Eating healthy and the healthy mind helps to attain the wellness in your school.
Care Jar supports you with various wellness programs as per your school's needs. Book your sessions to make your school a wholesome knowledge gaining place.

Corporate Wellness

A healthy corporate environment depends on the wellness of the work employees. So, employees' well-being sessions can bring efficiency and balance to the workplace.
Care Jar wellness programs are here to help you learn more about this and provide you good care.

Coming Soon
Online Consultation

Concentrated, stress free, and aware mind makes everything easy for you. So, mental health well-being is a crucial matter for all.
With expert doctors and consultants, Care Jar pays attention to any kind of mental health issue or awareness about its importance. You can be open up to an expert if your environment is not helping. So, book now.

News and Views

The recognitions are the achievements that make us keep going beyond average. Precisely, the Startup Odisha, Startup India, and MSME accreditation are worth mentioning. These organizations work as the backbone for today's entrepreneurs.

Our Recent Blog Posts


CareJar says, "Pick your HEALTH card, and we’ll add quality CARE to it." So, primarily, it provides Healthcare to the people, especially to schools or corporate communities in rural areas. It has many domains of care facilities that fulfill one’s overall well-being needs. This social welfare startup is now extending its reach quickly. Let’s know about CareJar more closely.

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Do Health, Fitness, and wellness seem synonyms of each other? Well, these are related but each has a different role in the body. Health is your immune system to diseases; Fitness is physical well-being and Wellness refers to the subtle connection of mental health and nutrition with the body. Let’s learn more about the differences and their importance.

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The specialty of summer is Hot Weather round the clock. Summer is a season of maturity as well as deadly heatwaves. When we think about summer it is always summer holidays, soaking in cold water, watery fruits, and the annoying burning sun overhead. In this happening period, healthcare is a must duty of ours because the climate change of these years has been deadly .

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Just send us your questions or concerns by sending a new message and we will give you the help you need.

Plot No : 239 Amarsinghpur, Malapada Jajpur, Odisha- 755043